Privacy Policy

At the Awesome Folks Store, we are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect the information you provide us.

Information We Collect: We may collect personal information, including but not limited to names, addresses, email addresses, and payment details, when you make a purchase or subscribe to our newsletter.

How We Use Your Information: The information we collect is used to process your orders, personalize your shopping experience, and keep you informed about promotions and new arrivals.

Security of Your Information: We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Third-Party Services: We may use third-party services, such as payment processors, to facilitate transactions. These services have their own privacy policies, and we recommend reviewing them.

Newsletter Subscription: By subscribing to our newsletter, you consent to receiving promotional emails. You can opt out of these communications at any time by following the unsubscribe link in the email.

Cookies: We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience. You can set your browser to refuse cookies, but this may affect the functionality of the site.

Your Rights: You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. To exercise these rights, contact us through the information provided below.

Children's Privacy: Our products and services are intended for individuals aged 18 and older. We do not knowingly collect information from children.

Changes to Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated policy on our website.

Contact us:

For any inquiries or concerns regarding your privacy, please contact us via email at or through our "Contact Us" section on the website. We value your privacy, and our team at Awesome Folks Store is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.

By using Awesome Folks Store, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy.